I have a Kindergartner + Andy's Cat & Jack for Target Backpack

This week, Andy started Kindergarten. I still can't believe I have a kindergartner. I mean, where did the time go.  He's at the same school he's attended since he was 2 years old, so it didn't feel extremely hard (on my end) dropping him off the first day. Although we had an amazing summer, I must say it's nice to be back in a routine.

He was also so happy with his new backpack that Target sent us. It's from the brand Cat & Jack and it's only $19 bucks! Andy loves airplanes, so this was perfect. It also has a matching lunchbox and water bottle.

So funny story, for MY first day of Kindergarten my mom actually forgot to buy me a backpack and sent me with a PURSE! It wasn't even a cute purse, but one of HER purses--haha. In all my pictures I look so miserable and I'm trying to hold the purse as far away from my body as possible LOL.

After that experience I knew I definitely wanted Andy to have a backpack that he absolutely loved--haha.

Paper Airplanes Backpack, Cat & Jack for Target, $19

Hitting these milestones are always hard as a widow, especially because I wish my late husband could be around to see our son on his first day of school. But I'm so thankful for the God wink that I received that day. He's definitely never far. 

For those with kids, how was their first day of school?  Do you have any silly stories from YOUR first day of school? I'd love to hear them. 


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