I Did My First Podcast Interview: Talking Faith, Hope and Life After Loss

Hey guys! So last month I did my first podcast interview. It was such a different experience. It's called the Headstrong Podcast and it's hosted by two Miami firefighters named Kiel and Raul. One of them actually use to work with my late husband, Fernando and he asked to interview me. 

Part of the reason for sharing my story was to shed some light on the link between cancer and firefighters and how it affected our family.  The cancer rate among firefighters is alarming. My hope is that fire departments will take the danger from chemicals much more seriously. No longer is a firefighter's soot-covered face a badge of honor. We need to do more to protect our men and women in the fire service. 

So if you're a firefighter, know someone that is, or perhaps you are married to one, please have them clean their gear and take extra precautions. 

I also get a little personal in this interview and share my story on how me and Fernando met, getting the cancer diagnosis and our journey fighting cancer. But most importantly, I hope the takeaway is that whatever you are going through, you CAN get through it. God is always close to the brokenhearted. 

You can click below to listen to the podcast or find it on iTunes under Headstrong Podcast (episode #18) 


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