Happy New Year + My Intentions for 2018

Hi guys! Hope you had an amazing holiday break with your loved ones. This picture pretty much sums up what mine was all about--- being in the moment with my son and family (and being in pajamas all day ha ha). I'm never really one to make New Year's Resolutions, but I do want to set some intentions for the New Year. I guess after you go through loss your entire perspective changes. For me, it's not all about creating goals for success (although there's nothing wrong with that), but rather it's the smaller things that I take joy in.

Here are a few of them: 

Grow closer to God each and every day. 
My faith has grown so much since the passing of my late husband and I want to continue to always make God my number one priority. This includes just taking time each morning to really meditate on his word. There are a few devotionals that I really want to take the time and read each day. One of my favorites is "Jesus Calling."

Do more things for others. 
One thing that I really enjoy is creating care packages for people going through hard times or trials. I want to continue this in 2018 and bring joy to someones life.

Be present. 
This new year, I want to practice more mindfulness activities to really be present in the moment and focus on the now instead of the past/future.

Continue to exercise.
2017 was the year that I really made working out a priority in my life. I'm so grateful to have found Crossfit. I've been working out 5 times a week for a year now. It's changed my life and I hope to continue my passion for working out in the New Year.

I try to travel somewhere new every year. I hope to do the same this year. Any suggestions?

Be the best version of me.  
Overall, I want to strive to be the best version of me. From the best mom, daughter, girlfriend, sister, friend. Always keeping in mind that I'm not perfect, but just always giving it my all.

What are some of your resolutions/intentions for the New Year? Is there anything you'd like to see more of on Viva Fashion? Leave me a comment below. I'd love to know!


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