A Thankful, Heavy Heart

Hi guys! Hope you had an amazing Thanksgiving. For me, this time of year can always be a little tricky. It brings up so many memories and emotions. It was Thanksgiving day, two years ago, that we noticed something wasn’t quite right with Fernando. He barely ate anything that day and was feeling super bloated. Two weeks later he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. We didn’t know then, but that would be our last Thanksgiving together.

Yet, I still wanted to express all that I am grateful for. For me, gratitude has become an every day thing (not just on Thanksgiving). Gratitude helps us see our situations and hardships in a way that lessens our heavy hearts. You see, no matter how dark it can get, there will always be something to be grateful for—-even if it is just one thing.

I’m grateful for my healthy, smart son that brings so much joy to my life. I’m grateful that I’m also healthy and I get to wake up every day. I get to open my two eyes and see! I’m able to walk, eat, exercise. I’m grateful for my supportive family. I’m grateful I have an amazing boyfriend that loves me and Andy so much. I’m grateful for my job and that I get to do what I love everyday. I’m grateful for what was and what is. I’m grateful for the promise that God gives us that we will see our loved ones again. I’m grateful for my amazing readers. I’m grateful for SO much.

I encourage you this week to keep a little journal next to your bed and write down the things you are grateful for. It will make such a difference and will give you a different perspective on life.

Hope you have an amazing week!



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