Nine Year Blog Anniversary

Today marks the nine year anniversary of Viva Fashion. It's so crazy to think it's already been that long. I went back and read my very first blog post, which was pretty funny and embarrassing haha.  So much has happened since I launched my blog, both professionally and personally. I wanted to take the time to thank you for your support. Thank you for stopping by and being a part of this journey with me. I'm so grateful for this little community we've built and the friendships that I've made through this blog.

I'm also grateful to God for allowing me to have this career that I love so much and allows me  flexibility to be present with my son. To be honest, when my late husband passed away, I considered not blogging anymore. But I found this blog so helpful during my time of grief. It gave me some normalcy in my day-to-day. I also remember what my husband's best friend said during his Celebration of Life Ceremony; and that was that Fernando was always so proud of me and everything I had accomplished and to "keep on blogging." So in a way, this blog has become a way to honor him.

I hope to continue sharing with you and creating new and exciting content. So from me and Andy, thank you from the bottom of our hearts.


P.S. If there's anything in particular you'd like to see more of, please let me know in the comments below. Whether it's more personal posts, videos, steal her looks...etc. I'd love to know!



  1. Congratulations on 9 years!! What an accomplishment and so much inspiration brought to others. Thank you for blogging and continuing to after he passed away. I can only imagine the not wanting to blog or go on with anything. However your son is reaping the rewards of your growth and watching as you handle life amid tragedies and day to day joys, irritations, forgiveness and being forgiven if necessary. Thanks again for all you bring our way. I sincerely appreciate you.

  2. Aww thank you so much Christy for your comment. I appreciate you as well and taking the time and stopping by Viva Fashion. Sending you many blessings.

  3. Can't believe it's been 9 years! time flies! congrats!
