Motherhood: Andy at 3 Years Old

As cliché as it sounds, I can’t believe Andres is growing up so quickly. I’m officially a mom to a pre-schooler. I remember when it was just yesterday that I was sharing with you guys an update when he was 6 months old. It’s been so amazing to see his little personality shine through and not to mention some of the things he says are absolutely hilarious.

Here’s an update of Andy at 3 years old:

He’s in Pre-School: Although Andres started a Montessori school when he was 2 years old, this is his first official year in the school’s pre-school program. Every Friday they have show-and-tell and it’s so cute to see him so interested in picking out something he wants to share with the class. 

Activities: Andy also started soccer class. Although technically the class is for 4 to 5 year olds, I managed to convince the coach to let him start at 3 years old. He’s the smallest, but it’s so amazing to see him hold his own against the bigger kids. He absolutely loves it.

Favorite Snacks: As of now, Andres has officially passed the picky eater phase (keeping fingers crossed it stays this way). So he pretty much eats anything. Some of his favorite snacks are kale chips and dried apricots. I also try to make sure he’s getting his vitamins and nutrients with Nido 3+. It’s filled with 12 vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin A, C, B6, Iron and Zinc that help support healthy growth and development for preschoolers (along with prebiotics and fiber to help support digestion). He usually will have this before soccer practice or in the mornings before pre-school. It’s his “energy” as he calls it.

His Personality: Andres has such an easy-going, care free personality ever since he was a baby. I always say that God knew exactly the type of personality to give him (especially since he knew I would become a solo-parent after the passing of my husband). He’s so sweet and has such a heart of gold. The other day he grabbed some of his old shoes and said “Mama, can we give these to babies that don’t have any shoes.” At such a young age you can already see his giving heart. Also, out of nowhere he’ll look at me and say “Wo Mama, you look so beautiful.”

Favorite Songs: His favorite song is “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley haha. You can totally tell he’s my son. Favorite Toys: He’s still really into dinosaurs. I would say he’s chosen dinosaurs overs cars and trains. His favorite, of course, is T-Rex with Triceratops coming in second place.

Photos: Karla Garcia

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