Happy World Smile Day

Happy World Smile Day! This day was actually started by Harvey Ball, the creator of the iconic yellow smiley face. His goal was to encourage smiles through acts of kindness. If you ask me, a friendly smile can make all the difference in someone’s day.

For me, taking care of my smile is something that has always been very important (especially working in television, it’s the first thing people see). Earlier last year, I was feeling a bit self-conscious about my smile. You see, even though I had braces when I was younger, my teeth had shifted a bit. Although it was nothing major, I finally decided to get clear aligners to fix the problem (thank God I didn’t have to get braces again haha).

But aside from straight teeth, something that also gives me a lot of confidence is a bright smile, which is why I’ve been using ARM & HAMMER™ Truly Radiant™. The toothpaste has baking soda (for those of you that know me, you know I use baking soda for everything!!) and has made my teeth white, aside from leaving me with a clean and fresh smile. I’m so thrilled to be partnering with ARM & HAMMER™ Truly Radiant™ because they are committed to helping women feel radiant - both in their smiles and in their daily lives.

So for World Smile Day, I thought I’d share some ways to both celebrate and take care of your smile. 

Spread acts of kindness by sharing a smile with a stranger today, whether it’s sharing a smile with someone at the grocery store or the bank. Just this simple act of kindness can turn someone’s day around.

Take Care of Your Smile - You can do simple things like limiting beverages known to stain teeth, as well as have a good dental hygiene routine in place. I recommend using ARM & HAMMER™ Truly Radiant™ Clean & Fresh Toothpaste, and then finish up your routine with ARM & HAMMER™ Truly Radiant ™ Clean and Fresh Rinse.

Schedule Check-Ups - Make sure that you are scheduling regular visits to your dentist, at least every 6 months for a cleaning.

This post is brought to you by Arm & Hammer. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make Viva Fashion possible. All opinions, as always are my own. 


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