Wellness Wednesday: My Breakfast Go-To

One of my New Year's Resolution is to become healthier AND eat healthier. Over the past few months, I've been learning about the importance of really taking care of our bodies and what we put in our mouths. I hate to admit it, but many times I would forgo breakfast or I would grab a cup of coffee with toast and call that breakfast. I've completely changed my eating habits and wanted to share with you my go-to breakfast. I pretty much have this every day. I'll start off my mornings with a glass of water with lemon juice (as soon as I wake up)  to flush out toxins and clean my kidneys. 

Then, I'll wait about 15 minutes and make this delicious "supercharged" oatmeal. It's super easy to make and packs tons of antioxidants. Many times I'll make a similar version for my toddler and he loves it. 

Here's what I use: 

1 Dry Cup of Rolled Oats (Steel cut oats are only slightly healthier but can be a pain to prepare)
Almond Milk (Make sure it's a brand that doesn't have Carrageenan) 
Organic Strawberries
Organic Blueberries
2 Tbsp of Flaxseeds  
2 Tbsp of Chia Seeds

**Berries are part of the dirty dozen, so it's very important to go for organic berries

I also add bananas, but this morning I ran out. I also add a pinch of coconut sugar, a WAY better alternative than white sugar, which is horrible for you. You can also add date sugar, which is basically just dried dates and is also packed with antioxidants. 

And there you have it! A nutritious oatmeal that will get your mornings started the right way. 

ps. Let me know if you'd like to see more of my healthy recipes :) 


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