Relationship Books Worth Reading

With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite marriage books that have totally changed my relationship. This year my husband and I will be celebrating our 8th wedding anniversary and "The 5 Love Languages" was one of the first books our Pastor recommended when we first got married. Some of you have probably already heard of it, but the basic concept is that each of us have our own "love language," which can be: Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service and Physical Touch. 

Once I learned my husband's love language it really helped me become a better partner. For example, my husband's love language is "Acts of Service" so as much as I would tell him "I love you" or "You look so handsome," that didn't mean as much as let's say I would "take out the trash" or  "buy him his deodorant if it ran out." Those things seemed silly to me, but it would go a long way for him. 

On the other hand, my love language is "Words of Affirmation,"so saying things like "I love you" is how I feel loved and appreciated. We also do this thing where we ask each other from time to time if our "love tank" is full haha. It's important that we are always feeling loved and appreciated. 

Another book that I really like is "The 10 Commandments of Marriage" by Ed Young (we have the Spanish version). It touches on everything from learning not to be selfish, how to communicate efficiently to dealing with conflict. It pretty much lays out the principals to have to healthy marriage. Whether you are getting married, just got married or have been married for years, be sure to check out this book. 

What's your love language? You can take the test here.  I'd love to know. 


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