We Have a 2 Year Old?!

Last week we celebrated Andres Sebastian's 2nd birthday. It seems like just yesterday I was sharing my hypnobirthing story with you guys. As cliché as it sounds, time really does go by so fast. I can't believe we have a 2 year old!

We had a small little Disney Cars themed get-together with family at a local park-- our son is OBSESSED with anything Cars related (last year we had a Jake and the Neverland Pirates themed party). There are no words to express his face and excitement when he saw all the cars. It was priceless. 

We had the best time celebrating our favorite little man. 



  1. Happy birthday!

    What a cute young man. For me it's also seams like yesterday, that yor sharing your birthing story.

    If you remember me, I'm from Germany. My daughter's boyfriend is from El Salvador. And I hope my grandchils anywhere in the future were also cute like your little man.

  2. He's the cutest! Can't believe he's already 2
