All Dogs Go To Heaven

Sorry for the silence yesterday guys. It was a very difficult day for me as we lost our dog Bear to lymphoma. It's even difficult for me to write this, but I thought I would share as a way to keep Bear's memory alive and share the amazing dog he was. For those that are pet owners, you know how much they become part of your family. Bear was a Rottweiler and although he was big in size, he was one big friendly giant. He seriously thought of himself as a lapdog and would jump on my lap every opportunity he had. I've had dogs my entire life, but he definitely was the sweetest dog I've ever owned. Our son absolutely loved him and Bear was always so gentle and loving with him.

We bought him when he was just a puppy and he was only 5 years old when he passed away. Too young, which is why I guess it has made this hard. It started off with him not wanting to eat, which is when we realized something was wrong. He loved food so much and would scarf it down. He didn't even touch a brand new bone we bought him. He wasn't quite like himself, and when we took him to the vet they noticed his lymph notes were enlarged and after testing they found out it was lymphoma.

I take consolation in knowing he is not suffering anymore, but the house definitely feels a lot more quiet today. I know God does everything for a reason, and I've learned to not take anything or anyone for granted. I'm very blessed that my family is healthy and so am I.

We will miss you Bear,  thank you for your unconditional love.

Do you have any tips for coping with a pet loss? I'd love to hear it.



  1. OH i am so so sorry for your loss. My doggies are my children. I can understand your heartache. Sending warm vibes your way! And as for tips for coping... I happen to have a tattoo of each dogs paw print even though the 4 i have are still with me, its a great way to help heal. Also, I seriously recommend getting a great tribute frame with a photo of your doggy in it. its a great way to display them and celebrate their life. Many hugs to you. take all the time you need, and dont worry about anyone who says it's "just a dog". Dogs are humans too... right? well, in my book they are :) Im soo thinking of you today!

  2. Thanks so much for your message Ellen. It really warmed my heart.

  3. Our dog Sophie is one of our children (we have 4 kids including her). My husband rescued her from a junkyard when she was about a month old and brought her to me. She got hurt a few years ago and everyone was quick to say we should put her down. I can't imagine how empty our lives would be if we had. She brightens our every day with her crazy self. I don't even want to think about the day when she won't be here. She will be 5 in December...I can't imagine losing her at 5. We lost two dogs before (my husband had these two when we met), one to kidney failure and the other to breast cancer. To help the kids (and us) cope we have a frame with the Rainbow Bridge poem in it. It has both dog's pictures in the frame and their collars hanging on the corners. It even helped my little niece who had a hard time understanding where two of our dogs had gone. I agree with Ellen, take as long as you need to lost a family member!

    1. Thanks so much Brandy. A friend recently shared with me the rainbow poem (had never heard of it before). It was beautiful.
