Happy Friday + Just Ask!

Prepping for one of my segments on Univision's Despierta America 

Happy Friday guys. I've been meaning to write this post for a while now, but finally remembered after watching this video that has been going around the internet (Jim Carey's commencement speech). I feel sometimes it's important for us to share our story in the hopes we inspire others. It's about not being afraid to ask God for things. Before I started running my own business, I worked at a 9 to 5 public relations job where I was so miserable. I liked everyone I worked with, but my heart was somewhere else. When I would pray, I would always thank God for my health, my family and all his blessings. Deep inside I felt guilty to ask God for things that were for me, such as leaving my job to fulfill my passion. He was already blessing me with so much, what else could I ask for.

Until one day, during my regular drive to work, I was listening to Pastor Greg Laurie speak on the radio. His message was just that, to not be afraid to ask God for things that are for YOU. It's not that you are being selfish. He wants to see YOU happy, living a fulfilled life. The Pastor asked everyone to right then and there to start asking. I turned down my radio and just like that, started asking.

I asked for that wish that had been lingering in my heart for several years---to leave my job and run Viva Fashion full-time. A week later----ONE week after I asked, God put in my heart to quit my job. At this point, Viva Fashion was already making 3 times as much as my day job, but I was always hesitant to take the next step, until God finally put in my heart it was time. I haven't looked back since and can say it was the best decision I've ever made. God has provided above and beyond and I've never been so happy. I'm fulfilling my passion and living the career of my dreams.

So whether it's a job, your next career move, a relationship, your marriage, whatever it is....don't be afraid to ask. God listens, but you need to put it out there first.


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