A day in the life of a blogger

As you might know, I’ve recently had the chance to get to know the folks at Microsoft.  We thought it would be fun to give you a glimpse of a “typical” day in the life of Viva Fashion.  Since no two days are alike in my life—between styling, doing TV segments, blogging and freelance writing, there’s never a dull moment .  One thing is for sure though; my world would never be the same without technology—I use it to manage my life, stay organized and entertained at home and on the go. So here we go….

6:45am- Alarm goes off on at 6:45 AM. I  hit snooze a couple of times and then I’m finally up. Take a shower and start getting ready for a day of shooting with T.J. Maxx. Grab some breakfast and then I’m out the door.

8:00am- At the salon, getting my hair and make-up done. I still can’t believe I found a salon in Miami that opens so early, but so relieved since I have to be on set at 9:30am.  While I am in the chair, I take a moment to check my phone and get organized for the day.  I pull up my to-do list in OneNote and add a few items.  I keep all of my notes and to-do lists in this app (available with Microsoft Office); it syncs automatically across my phone, PC, and in the cloud, so I have all of my info wherever I go.  Before I know it, my hair and makeup are done and I am on my way!

9:30am-Make it right on time to start filming. Do a quick run through of the store and start picking out some outfits to feature in the shoot.

9:50am- Getting mic’d up by Larry (the crew was so nice!) Off we go for a day of filming.

2pm- Finish taping.

2:45pm- Pick-up a quick bite at Chipotle. Is it bad that I can recite my order by heart?

3:30pm- Arrive home and it’s back to work.  I get on my computer and start checking and responding emails and planning out tomorrow’s blog post. I had the chance to check out the ASUS laptop and the Zenbook is incredibly light and ultra-thin, which is very important for me since I have to do a lot of traveling for work. I also love the sleek design, which makes it equally stylish.

6:30pm- I do a video meeting over Skype with a company on the West Coast. I love how almost ALL my meetings now take place over Skype. It’s Godsend…plus I save on travel costs. 

7:00pm- Finally disconnect (or at least try to).

7:30pm- Hit-up the food trucks with the hubby. Our friend has a food truck called Mangia Mia that has THE best Italian food. I ordered “The Smasher,” which is the most amazing meatball sandwich on Texas Toast --nom nom.

9:00pm- Arrive home and now its time to work off the calories from “The Smasher.”

9:15pm- I never have time to go to the gym, so I recently started using the Zumba Fitness Rush video game for my Xbox 360 with Kinect.  It’s just like getting a workout without ever leaving my house. It’s the best! Plus I really do feel dancing always puts you in a good mood (p.s. the game allows you to track your calories and how much you burn).

10:15pm- Take a shower and then jump on the couch for some TV watching with the hubby.

11:00pm- Off to bed….ready to conquer the next day!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post in conjunction with The Style Coalition and Microsoft. Opinions expressed within are entirely my own.