Weekend Review

Here's a recap of my weekend (plus some previous pics from my birthday weekend in Key West).

1. Enjoying the beautiful sunset from Mallory Square in Key West.

2. This stand has some of the best conch fritters ever! The owner mentioned he's been at the same stand every weekend for the past 23 years.

3. My husband always jokes that he has big head, so this is a picture of him after I finally convinced him to buy a hat. Not bad eh?

4. This weekend I took the bike for a ride around my neighborhood. This is one of my favorite views.

5. How cute are the fitting rooms at Victoria's Secret?

6. Went to go see the Panthers play this Saturday (and they Won--wohoo!) Oh, I also got this new Panthers shirt.

Are you on Instagram? Follow me @VivaFashion.


1 comment

  1. I get such a longing to Florida when I see the photos.

    Happy birthday later :-)
