Weekend Review....

Here's a recap of my weekend as told through Instagram...

1. I finally learned how to do a fishtail braid and it's now become my go-to hairstyle. 

2. Getting ready for the fashion show to start (featuring Latin American designers) during Miami International Fashion Week. The best part of the night was that I got the hubby to FINALLY attend a fashion show with me--ha!

3. My husband bought me the Magic Bullet and now I can't stop making smoothies. It literally is the best thing ever! Here's a strawberry/banana/orange juice smoothie I made, delish. 

4. I'm totally coveting an all white bedroom set---so chic. I spotted this one at the Miami Home Show. 

Are you on Instagram? Follow me @Viva_Fashion or you can also check out all my pics through Instagrid. 


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