Tips to Eliminate Stress and Keep your Skin Healthy + Giveaway!

**Contest is now closed** Congrats to Kristen on winning the giveaway** Special thanks to all that entered and stay tuned for more fun giveaways coming next week. 

During my high school days I would get some really bad acne I just wanted to crawl under my bed and not leave the house. I even remember when I first married my husband I would go to sleep with makeup because I didn't want him to see those ugly dark scars left behind from pimples. But after proper care of my skin, I rarely get any more of those breakouts and over the years of visiting dermatoglists (I've been going to one since I was 16 and I'm now 27) I've picked up some great tips that have helped me along the way. Here are some tips on keeping your skin healthy and how to be stress-free. 

**I'm also really excited to share with you that I've teamed up with Neutrogena and we are hosting an awesome giveaway of their Acne Stress Control Products (more info on that below). 

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water: Drinking water is not only important to stay healthy, but it also helps remove toxins from your body. 
  • Get between 7-8 hours of sleep: Sleep helps repair your body, so it's very important you are getting sufficient zzz's. Sleep deprivation can also lead to stress, which is ultimately not good for your skin.
  • Don't pick at your pimples: I've heard this time and time again from dermatologist, but as I'm sure you know, it's easier said than done. But picking at your pimples can make it worse and can ultimately leave to scarring. Also staying away from the sun and wearing spf is very important to prevent those dark spots. 
  • Write it down: I'm probably the most forgetful person you'll ever meet, and one thing that has helped me along the way is to write things down. Whether it's chores, errands, due dates, goals. I don't have to stress out that I'm going to forget something. With school right around the corner for most of you, try writing down your homework assignments for instance.  (p.s. Neutrogena is also having some great Back to School Savings you might want to check out on all their beauty products. 
  • Take a Break: Take at least 20-25 minutes out of the day for yourself. Use that time to relax, go for a walk and just declutter your mind. I've been going on walks with my husband after we cook dinner and you can't imagine how helpful it's been. 

We'll be giving away a Neutrogena Gift Basket (pictured above valued at $50) to one lucky reader that includes:

-Neutrogena Acne Stress Control Line  (which consists of 6 products)
-Wave for Change Tote Bag
-Bath Kit 

To enter simply leave me a comment below letting me know what's your best tip on eliminating stress or having healthy skin.  Contest ends on August 30th at 12pm (est) and winner will be randomly selected. Good luck! 

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post but all opinions are 100% my own


  1. my tip to eliminate stress is to exercise!!
    holliister at gmail dot com

  2. Here are my two favorite ways to at least alleviate stress: 1) yoga and 2) taking a long shower with my favorite music blasting. For healthy skin: 1) Aveeno Face Wash and 2) St. Ives Apricot Scrub.

  3. One of the ways I eliminate stress is by listening to music and singing. Unconventional but you can always tell I'm in a good mood when I'm singing.

  4. I eliminate stress by taking a bubble bath!

  5. Well... I'm not really a stressed person, but when I am, I take some time for myself. I lock myself in a room and do my thing: internet surfing, magazine reading, music listening, watching sex and the city...;-), or I go work out, make myself really physicaly tired.
    For healty skin: eating healty is the best. I heard chocolate is not good for the skin, unfortunatly I'm a huge addict to chocolate :-s. That will be because I'm Belgian, the country of Godiva :-). Cleaning my face EVERY evening, and morning. Unfortunatly most of the products are drying out my skin, would like to try the neutrogena ones. I'm now using Neutrogena natural facial cleanser, and it worked for a while, but break outs seems to come back.

  6. My best way of eliminating stress is by either reading through a magazine or cleaning my room. Even if its already clean, I can always find something to sort of fix.

  7. My best tip on having a healthy skin- drink water and sleep well.

  8. Shopping!! I swear it is the best stress reliver ever, even if I don't buy anything. My husband and I like to go out and just do a lot of fun & random window shopping & random picture taking.

  9. Best tips for healthy skin - Wash your face twice a day (no more) with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne. Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.Throw away old makeup that smells or looks different from when you first bought it.Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.

  10. Hi!! My advice? Take some time and make your own beauty product. Maybe a mask... And just lie down for a minute

  11. My tip for healthy skin is to always moisturize. I always put on lotion after I take baths or showers and it's the best thing I have ever done for my skin. It's definently very smooth.

  12. I always wipe my face (especially when I want to remove makeup) with a nice hot towel first. Then I use a gentle fash was to cleanse.

  13. My best tip is to always wash your face, especially if you wear makeup. Cleanse, exfoliate, gentle toner, moisturizer. If you have pimples, I really love clearasil overnight spot treatment. I also use a few different masks a couple times a week. If you want to help clear pores, mix sea salt and honey and use it as a mask. voila :)



  14. My tip for healthy skin is to wash and moisturized before bed!


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