Assess your Closet: First thing you’ll want to do is take everything out your closet. Sort through the clothes and ask yourself these questions:
Has it been a year or more since I last wore this?
Does it fit?
Is it broken and can it be fixed?
Am I really going to wear this again?
Do I wear this on a regular basis?
Separate into Piles: Once you ask yourself these questions separate into piles of things you wear on a regular basis, things that need to be fixed and garments that it’s time to say good-bye to.
What Needs to Go: Get rid of clothes that don’t fit anymore, even if it was your favorite top you scored on sale or if you’re holding off in case it one day comes back in style. Clothes that don’t fit are just bad for your self-esteem. If an item has holes or stains ask yourself if it can indeed be fixed. If it can, then put it in your fix it pile and consult with your tailor. If not, then it’s time to part ways.
Host a Clothes Swap Party: Don’t just throw away the clothes you don’t wear anymore. Consider hosting a clothing swap party. This is where you get with a group of friends and exchange the clothes you don’t wear anymore. Hey, one woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure right? This is a great way of updating your wardrobe without even spending a dime. You could also donate the clothes to organizations such as Goodwill or the Salvation Army.
Evaluating your closet is a perfect way to help you know what lives in your closet. Next time you go shopping you’ll know not to buy that green blouse (even if it’s on sale) since you already have one very similar already in your closet.
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