ACCESSORIZE: Try a great pair of earrings, an anklet or cool sunglasses, lovely flip-flops. Bring a glamorous cover-up. If you need color, use a self-tanner, which will make you feel more confident. Get a mani and pedi. "Your toes and fingers can really help carry off an elegant look."
MAKE THE SUIT FIT: You should not get bulging from the straps or material and the bottom should not be baggy. The bottom should contour with your rear without pinching or sagging. With the top, always tie the bottom strap first as tight as possible -- without losing circulation -- and then do the top around your neck. This will lift the bust up.
ACCEPT YOURSELF: Stand in front of the mirror with your bathing suit on. Focus on the features you like. Then focus on what you will do in the suit -- swim, lay on the beach. "The more you focus on what you will do, rather than how you look, the more you'll enjoy yourself and the better your body image will be."
DO THE PLANK: Trade in crunches for plank holds. Crunches work the rectus abdominus but planks target the internal obliques, external obliques and transverse abdominus to give you a leaner look by helping with your posture. To do a plank, balance on the floor on your forearms and toes, forming a straight line from head to heels and hold for 30 seconds.
TRY INTERVALS: Fire up the metabolism with an interval-based cardio program. Do this simple routine three days this week: 1 minute max effort, followed by two minutes at an easy pace. Repeat five times. You can run, bike, or use a cardio machine. To prevent bloating, keep sodium in check and watch the gas-producing foods and carbonated beverages.
Source: Associated Press
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