So I was traveling to Puerto Rico on Tuesday for work. When I got off the plane I went straight to go get my luggage. I couldn’t wait to see beautiful San Juan. I waiting anxiously for about 10 minutes until one by one luggages started being sent onto the carousel. Twenty minutes passed and still no sign of my BLACK luggage. After thirty minutes or so a red light starts flashing and the carousel immediately comes to a halt. That was it for luggages and still no sign of mine. I raced to baggage services where I was told “Sorry we can’t seem to find your luggage.” And then it just dawned on me....they’ve lost my luggage. This can’t be happening I thought. I waited for another two hours or so to see if maybe just maybe my luggage was sent on another similar flight that was from Miami to Puerto Rico, but of course it wasn’t. Here I was in Puerto Rico, wearing jeans and flip flops my luggage was nowhere to be found and in a couple of hours I had to be in the Telemundo studios. Here is where it gets interesting.
I call American Airlines and they tell me the only thing they can do is authorize $100 for me to buy clothes and shoes to wear the next day and I would be reimbursed once I brought back the receipt. I asked around to see where was the nearest mall was and was told there was one called Plaza Las Americas, but it closes at 9pm. I looked at my watch and it was 8:10pm. I had 50 minutes to get to the mall and find something decent to wear for the next day. I grabbed a cab outside of the airport and we speeded off to the mall. It was about 20 minutes away, that left me with about 30 minutes to shop. I ran inside the mall--good thing I was wearing flip flops although I must admit I have mastered running in 4 inch heels.
I started looking around to see if there were any stores I knew I could probably get a complete outfit.. shoes and all for $100. There it was.... ZARA It was as if I heard an angelic AHHHHHHHHHH and a bright white light shining on the store. I ran inside and started grabbing pants, blouses, dresses, shoes and took it all inside the fitting room. As I tried on the clothes I heard over the speakers “The mall will be closing in 15 minutes.” After trying on a couple of things I finally picked out some red heels ($39.99) and a little black dress ($49.99) that was very form fitting. I made it to the cash register and with my budget shopping skills I didn’t go over the $100. I got a taxi and headed back to the airport and to make my already long story short there was my luggage, sitting pretty in a little corner of the airport. It had arrived on a much later flight. Note to self: Bring extra clothes in a carry-on bag.
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